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Revivex UV Protectant shields outdoor gear from harmful UV rays. Sunlight can really damage a tent or kayak. Whether it’s made of nylon fabric, plastic, rubber, or fiberglass the sun’s UV rays can break it down fast. Previously known as UV Tech, apply it to anything used outside to prevent cracks and colors from fading. This specialized formula restores gear to its original appearance by replacing lost plasticizers, rejuvenating surfaces and brightening colors. When a sunscreen for gear is needed, apply Revivex UV Protectant before or after sun exposure to keep it looking good.


  • Protects  Fights sun damage and stops cracking of all types of gear including tents, kayaks, and life jackets
  • Conditions  Restores the color of plastic, vinyl, neoprene, rubber, nylon, and latex to keep it bright and like-new
  • Powerful – One 120 ml bottle prevents can repair fading fabrics, deteriorating rubber and discoloring fiberglass
  • Reduces Wear – Bring old gear back to life and add years to its overall appearance with an effective UV protectant
  • Multipurpose  Spray on all gear exposed to sunlight including drysuit gaskets, dive fins float tubes and waders

Gear Aid Revivex UV Protectant

12,95 € Preço normal
8,42 €Preço promocional

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